Type annotations

omniconf version 1.5.0 added type annotations, and also an experimental mypy plugin for dynamic type annotations of the return values of config() by parsing the _type and type_hint parameters of setting().

Without enabling the plugin, the return type of configuration values is Optional[Any] .

The mypy plugin has a few prerequisites at this point:

  • A mapping is made between setting() key and its _type. This probably only works properly when the key is defined as a literal.

  • The plugin only works when using the config() and setting() functions. Settings added directly on SettingRegistry and read directly from ConfigRegistry will be not found or properly annotated.

  • There is no support for multiple registries, only the default registries are supported.

Despite these limits, if your current worklow only consists on using setting(), omniconf_load() and config(), you’re probably fine.

Enabling the plugin

Simply add the plugin to your mypy configuration, for instance using pyproject.toml:

plugins = [

Annotating settings

First, an example script.

from omniconf import setting, config, omniconf_load
from omniconf.types import separator_sequence
from typing import Dict

class Foo:
   def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
     self.value = value

setting("app.requiredstr",               required=True)
setting("app.optionalint",   _type=int)
setting("app.strdefault",    _type=int,  default="nonint")
setting("app.requiredbool",  _type=bool, required=True)
setting("app.simpledict",    _type=dict, required=True)
setting("app.annotateddict", _type=dict, required=True,    type_hint=Dict[str, Foo])
setting("app.override",      _type=int,  default="nonint", type_hint=int)
setting("app.object",        _type=Foo,  required=True)
setting("app.sequence",      _type=separator_sequence(","), required=True)

For the simple types, this will behave as expected. Note that the mypy plugin will always annotate using Unions, to handle the required property. The type of default is also taken into account.

config("app.optionalstr")   # Union[builtins.str, None]
config("app.requiredstr")   # Union[builtins.str]
config("app.optionalint")   # Union[builtins.int, None]
config("app.strdefault")    # Union[builtins.int, Literal['nonint']]
config("app.requiredbool")  # Union[builtins.bool]
config("app.object")        # Union[test.Foo]
config("app.sequence")      # Union[typing.Sequence[builtins.str]]

The dict case is a bit more tricky, because by default this will result in a dict[_KT, _VT]. This will cause trouble because this signature disallows indexing and causes mypy to show this message:

error: Invalid index type "str" for "dict[_KT, _VT]"; expected type "_KT"  [index]

To work around this, you can set the exact type using type_hint, which will be used as-is instead of the inferred type from _type. You can use this in any case where the inferred type is giving you trouble.

setting("app.simpledict",     _type=dict, required=True)
setting("app.annotateddict",  _type=dict, required=True, type_hint=Dict[str, Foo])


config("simpledict")        # Union[builtins.dict[_KT`1, _VT`2]]
config("annotateddict")     # Union[builtins.dict[builtins.str, test.Foo]]

Do note that type_hint gives you all the tools to shoot yourself in the foot, when you override the type to something that does not match what will be output.

setting("app.override",      _type=int,  default="nonint", type_hint=int)


# returned value will be a str when nothing is set, because of the default.
config("app.override")      # Union[builtins.int]

Debugging mypy plugin

If you’re running into weird behaviour and want to see exactly what types the mypy plugin infers based on your settings, set OMNICONF_MYPY_DEBUG=1 in your environment and call mypy with –no-incremental to skip cache:

$ OMNICONF_MYPY_DEBUG=1 mypy --no-incremental test.py
Registering app.optionalstr as Union[None, builtins.str]
Registering app.requiredstr as Union[builtins.str]
Registering app.optionalint as Union[None, builtins.int]
Registering app.requiredbool as Union[builtins.bool]
Registering app.simpledict as Union[builtins.dict[_KT`1, _VT`2]]
Registering app.annotateddict as Union[builtins.dict[builtins.str, test.Foo]]
Registering app.object as Union[test.Foo]
Registering app.sequence as Union[typing.Sequence[builtins.str]]
Registering app.strdefault as Union[builtins.int, Literal['nonint']]
Registering app.override as Union[builtins.int]
Success: no issues found in 1 source file