Setting types

When a Setting is defined, a type is also declared. By default, the value of a Setting is str, but any class or function that accepts a single parameter and returns a class instance can be used. The class or function passed to _type will be called with the value to process as its only parameter.

Also take a look at the static typing support with Type annotations.

Built-in interpretation

Special cases are added to support dict, list, tuple() and bool, which are processed by ast. The implementation can be found in the unrepr method in omniconf.config:

omniconf.config.unrepr(src: Any, _type: Callable[[...], Any]) Any[source]

Returns an interpreted value based on src. If source is already an instance of _type, no interpretation is performed.

This means that a Setting declared as such:

from omniconf import setting
setting("items", _type=list)

Which is provided by a backend with the following string:

"['foo', 'bar', 'baz']"

Will return a list that looks like this:

from omniconf import config
# ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

For detailed information, see the ast documentation.

Custom interpretation and types

The most simple custom type looks like this:

def custom_type(src):
   return src

This example simply takes the input as provided, and returns it as-is. Custom types are not limited to functions, classes can also be used. Any class that has exactly one (mandatory) parameter is valid):

class CustomType:
   def __init__(self, src, foo=bar):
      self.src = src

Some custom types are provided with omniconf, which may be used as-is, but also serve as examples.


omniconf.types.enum(values: Sequence[str]) Callable[[str], str][source]

Returns the original value if it is present in values, otherwise raises a RuntimeError.

enum_func = enum(["foo", "bar"])
# "foo"
# ...
# RuntimeError: Invalid value specified, must be one of: foo, bar

Separator Sequence

A somewhat fancy name for what one might normally call a comma separated list. The implementation is not limited to just commas however, and can use any string.

omniconf.types.separator_sequence(separator: str) Callable[[str | Sequence[str]], Sequence[str]][source]

Returns a function that parses a string value, separates it into parts and stores it as a read-only sequence:

parser = separator_sequence(",")
# ['a', 'b', 'c']

If the input value is already a sequence (but not a string), the value is returned as is. The sequence is an instance of SeparatorSequence, and can be used as one would normally use a (read-only) tuple or list.

class omniconf.types.SeparatorSequence(string: str, separator: str)[source]

Splits the given string using the given separator, and provides a the result with a read-only Sequence interface.

String Boolean

omniconf.types.string_bool(value: str | bool) str | bool[source]

Returns False if the value is Falsish or “False”, True if value is “True”, or the original value otherwise.

String or False

omniconf.types.string_or_false(value: str) str | bool[source]

Returns the given value as-is, unless the values equals “False”. In that case, boolean False is returned.