Setting types

When a Setting is defined, a type is also declared. By default, the value of a Setting is str, but any class or function that accepts a single parameter and returns a class instance can be used. The class or function passed to _type will be called with the value to process as its only parameter.

Built-in interpretation

Special cases are added to support dict, list, tuple() and bool, which are processed by ast. The implementation can be found in the unrepr method in omniconf.config:

omniconf.config.unrepr(src, _type)[source]

Returns an interpreted value based on src. If source is already an instance of _type, no interpretation is performed.

This means that a Setting declared as such:

from omniconf import setting
setting("items", _type=list)

Which is provided by a backend with the following string:

"['foo', 'bar', 'baz']"

Will return a list that looks like this:

from omniconf import config
# ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

For detailed information, see the ast documentation.

Custom interpretation and types

The most simple custom type looks like this:

def custom_type(src):
   return src

This example simply takes the input as provided, and returns it as-is. Custom types are not limited to functions, classes can also be used. Any class that has exactly one (mandatory) parameter is valid):

class CustomType(object):
   def __init__(self, src, foo=bar):
      self.src = src

Some custom types are provided with omniconf, which may be used as-is, but also serve as examples.



Returns the original value if it is present in values, otherwise raises a RuntimeError.

enum_func = enum(["foo", "bar"])
print enum_func("foo")
# "foo"
print enum_func("baz")
# ...
# RuntimeError: Invalid value specified, must be one of: foo, bar

Separator Sequence

A somewhat fancy name for what one might normally call a comma separated list. The implementation is not limited to just commas however, and can use any string.


Returns a function that parses a string value, separates it into parts and stores it as a read-only sequence:

parser = separator_sequence(",")
print parser("a,b,c")
# ['a', 'b', 'c']

If the input value is already a sequence (but not a string), the value is returned as is. The sequence is an instance of SeparatorSequence, and can be used as one would normally use a (read-only) tuple or list.

class omniconf.types.SeparatorSequence(string, separator)[source]

Splits the given string using the given separator, and provides a the result with a read-only Sequence interface.

String Boolean


Returns False if the value is Falsish or “False”, True if value is “True”, or the original value otherwise.

String or False


Returns the given value as-is, unless the values equals “False”. In that case, boolean False is returned.